Hi, I’m Tess! I love stories, especially when they make me feel transported to another world or into another person’s shoes. I especially love fantasy and beautifully illustrated picture books.
What did you like to read when you were young?
When I first started reading, I especially loved to read stories about animals. All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot as well as his picture book James Herriot’s Treasury for Children fueled a decade-long wish to be a veterinarian. I also loved The Incredible Journey.
What’s the first book you remember?
This is a tricky question! I think the first book I remember my parents reading to me is either The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis or Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. Another book I think of is Chicken Soup with Rice by Maurice Sendak, which my grandmother would read to me and my sister every time we visited her.
What five desert island books would you choose?
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones because I know these characters would keep me good company when I got lonely. It’s a lighthearted and fun read.
In the Hand of the Goddess by Tamora Pierce because I grew up loving this book series and it’s a big comfort read for me. Plus lots of exciting battles and talking cats to distract me! If you want to read this book, I recommend you start with the first book in the series, Alanna: The First Adventure (also a favorite of mine).
The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin for its epic worldbuilding and sharp insight into complicated human experiences.
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell because it’s funny, clever, and has great friendships. It would keep me entertained and warm my heart in difficult moments.
Midnight Chicken by Ella Risbridger even though it’s a cookbook and might make me pretty hungry. I love the beautiful illustrations and storytelling. Plus, I LOVE food so it would make for some pretty good daydreams.