Let’s Practice: Playing

This week’s theme: Snow

Would you like to play with snow all year round? Try making fake snow! In a large shallow container, combine 3 cups of baking soda and add shaving cream until you reach a perfect snowy consistency. You can use a fork to mix it. Feel how cold and flakey it is. If you don’t have those ingredients try these combinations. Baking soda and water. Baking soda and conditioner. Shaving cream and cornstarch. Cornstarch and lotion. Start with the first ingredient and then add the second one until it’s a perfect consistency for you.  

We’d love to see you Practicing! Share a photo or video of your little ones Talking, Singing, Reading, Writing and Playing with your followers on Instagram. Be sure to mention us (@wclslibraries) and use the hashtag #wclsletspractice. We won’t see your posts if your account is private, but your friends will and we hope they will start practicing with us too.