The Friends of South Whatcom Library (FoSWL) is a non-profit organization composed of volunteers from across the Geneva, Glenhaven and Sudden Valley communities.
We love the South Whatcom Library and are committed to supporting the library and our communities through raising awareness of library services, by providing volunteer support for library events and activities, and by raising funds to support some of the library’s unbudgeted needs.
And we enjoy working together…
8 Barn View Dr, Bellingham, Washington 98229
President: Kristin DeSalvio
Vice President: Ray Meador
Secretary: Diane Devlin
Treasurer: Gena Evola
Board Members:
Alma Deckert
Catherine Martin
Sarah McMenamin
Sandi Mitchell
Nancy Wyen
- Serve on the Board of Directors
- Serve on one of our three standing committees (Membership, Resource and Development, Concerts)
- Serve on one of our three sub-committees (Sell Back Your Books, In Library Book Cart, Website/Facebook)
- Volunteer to help at a single activity or event (book sales, Ice Cream Social, Daffy Day, Patron Appreciation Day…. (See our online calendar for a list of activities with volunteer service opportunities)
- Volunteer to donate goodies for an activity or event
- Volunteer to sew “Read to me” dolls for the children’s book sale.
- Volunteer to post event flyers, write articles, work on the website
- Volunteer to sort books, post books on the Sell Back Your Books site, stock the in-library book cart
- Tell us what you enjoy…working behind the scenes, working with kids, working with adults, writing, drawing, baking, sewing, technology, social media, making phone calls….