The Friends of the Deming Library are non-profit 501(c)3 organization that own the library building, and like all homeowners, the organization is responsible for up-keep and maintenance. We accept book donations for book sales, which are then sold in our used book store. Proceeds of book sales and donations are needed for building maintenance and to support the following library events:
- Annual plant sale
- Music performances
- Poetry readings & other events
- Publish an annual newsletter.
- Annual Holiday Tea

President: Jerry Dale McDonnell
Vice President: Virginia Naef
Secretary: Kasey Bell
Treasurer: Leaf Schumann
WCLS Liaison: Katrina Carabba
Member: Don Higdon
Member: Diane Monsen
Member: Gina Duell
Member: Lorena Havens
Volunteer opportunities:
- Help with Friends Bookstore.
- Help with annual Tea music event.
- Help with annual plant sale.
- Contribute to Newsletter.
- Contribute and/or help with building maintenance.
- Provide munchies for special library events.
- Become a board member.
The Friends of the Deming Library board welcome new members and volunteers. Feel free to come to a meeting and test the waters. The meetings are open to the public.
Meetings are held the 4th Monday of each month, excluding holidays.
For information contact Jerry Dale McDonnell: mcyukonjer@gmail.com or inquire at the library.
The Friends of the Deming Library host an ongoing Foothills Arts and Crafts Exhibit.
Artists’ opportunity to show
Local artists interested in displaying their two-dimensional work (ready to hang) for a scheduled time may contact Katrina Carabba, Manager of the Deming Library: Katrina.Carabba@wcls.org or Jerry Dale McDonnell: mcyukonjer@gmail.com
Exhibition Guidelines
The Meeting Room is an unsupervised public space that is regularly scheduled for library and community functions. There may be times when the room is occupied and viewing the exhibit is not possible. Artwork displayed must be appropriate for all ages, not promote religious or political beliefs or be used for the purpose of advertisement for commercial organizations. Exhibitions do not imply the Friends of the Deming Library or WCLS endorsement of the opinions or viewpoints of the artist.