Spanish-language phone line connects patrons with library and community resources

A new Spanish-language phone line further expands Whatcom County Library System’s outreach to the local Hispanic community. When patrons call the phone line, Spanish-speaking library staff members answer. They can assist with library-related questions and refer callers to other community resources. The Spanish-language phone line number is (360) 305-3638.   WCLS Hispanic Cultural Liaisons Diana Antaño … Read more

Book Buzz: Horse

Cover image for "Horse" by Geraldine Brooks

Horse by Geraldine Brooks For an Australian who lives in Massachusetts, author Geraldine Brooks has a remarkable ability to chronicle the American South, as she did with her Pulitzer Prize winning novel, “March.”  “March” tells the story of “Little Women” from the point of view of the March girls’ father who joins the Union army … Read more

Book Buzz: The Midnight Library

Cover image for "The Midnight Library" by Matt Haig

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig Typically, when I finish a book, I immediately pick up the next one. However, on occasion a book lingers in my thoughts for a day, or more, carving out a spot for itself and temporarily forbidding any new stories from taking root. “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig is … Read more