
Wintergirls Lia’s life has been overtaken by her eating disorder and she finds herself in a life or death situation. She will need to muster all the strength she has in order to recover. Powerful, accurate, and honest.


Sabriel Sabriel is a necromancer who must uphold the great work of her father and save the Old Kingdom. Reminiscent of J.R.R. Tolkien’s work, this book is an incredible, action-packed adventure.

The Golden Compass

The Golden Compass Lyra, a young orphan girl, learns of a mysterious substance called “Dust” that exists in the far North and holds the secrets to the universe(s). An amazing work of fantasy for all ages.

Some Kind of Happiness

Some Kind of Happiness I’m so glad this book exists. For kids grappling with anxiety and depression, Finley’s journey in learning the importance of putting herself first is an amazing chance to feel seen.

Outside In

Outside In Insightful, engaging and smart, this Teen novel shows how one girl with her average family learns to respect and understand her friends more eccentric and outcast family, hidden in plain sight.

The Arrival

The Arrival Magical, amazing Graphic Novel, without words, about the immigrant experience. Exquisite illustrations with depth and feeling, tell the story of someone without language who finds his place in a whole new world. Recommended for all ages.