Spindle and Dagger

Spindle and Dagger Living among the very warband of men who slaughtered her family, Elen survives on her wits, determination, and new alliances. A story set in 12th century Wales that is as modern and gripping as any story told today.

The Things She’s Seen

The Things She’s Seen The unraveling of an unsolved arson of a children’s home in remote Australia is the setting for this tenderly-crafted, dark tale about about loss and healing. Written by a brother and sister!


Animus Kids are disappearing and the Kyoto police are stumped. Could the ghost-boy at the local park be able to help? A graphic novel, a mystery, and a perfectly creepy tale.

A Sitting in St. James

A Sitting in St. James The family fortune is buried deep, as deep as the family’s secrets. A struggling Southern sugar cane plantation needs money but that may not be enough to save it from it’s wretched past.

Butterfly Yellow

Butterfly Yellow A Vietnamese refugee newly arrived in Texas in search of her younger brother befriends a wanna-be rodeo cowboy. Will their guilt-ridden secrets hold them back from finding happiness?