Seabird in the Forest

Seabird in the Forest by Joan Dunning

Seabird in the Forest Marbled murrelets are elusive, rarely seen, and extremely endangered. This book describes the life cycle of one baby murrelet, from its nest in an old growth forest to the sea where it will live most of it’s adult life.

Orca Rescue!

Orca Rescue by Donna Sandstrom and Sarah Burwash

Orca Rescue! From first sighting, to rescue, to reunion, this fascinating, true story of a young Orca is the hopeful, compulsively readable story that we have all been waiting for.

Samurai Rising

Samaurai Rising by Pamela S. Turner

Samurai Rising This astonishing biography about one of the most prominent warrior figures in Japanese history balances the delivery of straightforward information with incredible, page-turning thrills.