My Jasper June

My Jasper June Leah is just trying to disappear. But when a new girl named Jasper comes to town, Leah’s plan falls apart. Two girls, two big secrets, and one unforgettable summer of growth and friendship.


Mockingbird Losing your brother is hard, but when you are autistic, it feels even harder. A story of finding strength, healing, and leaning on those you still have.

A Kind of Spark

A Kind of Spark Addie is autistic, which makes her brain work differently. After learning about the witch trials in school, Addie sets out to make a difference for these women who died because of their “differences”. So powerful!

Raymie Nightingale

Raymie Nightingale While trying to get her father back in the family, Raymie makes some lifetime friends and unforgettable memories. A heartwarming story of friendship, growing up, and finding your courage.

The Line Tender

The Line Tender Lucy may have lost her mom, but she still has her deep fascination with sharks. So, when dead (and alive) sharks start cropping up off the coast of Maine, Lucy knows this must be a sign from her mom. Emotional, contemplative, and addictive.

Fighting Words

Fighting Words Two sisters are in protective custody after their abusive step-father does something “really bad”. This book will shatter you and then put the pieces back together.