
Switch It’s been June 23, 2020 for over a year. What will javelin-throwing prodigy Truda do about it? Twilight Zone meets Black Mirror meets the genius of A. S. King.

Everything Sad is Untrue

Everything Sad is Untrue How does 12 year-old Khosrou, newly immigrated from Iran, survive middle school in Oklahoma? By telling sprawling stories that he hopes will distract his classmates long enough to let him figure life in America, and himself, out.

A Heart in a Body in the World

A Heart in a Body in the World Why Annabelle is running across the country from her Seattle home to D.C. is slowly revealed in this multi-layered tale about friendship, healing, and hope. Be forewarned, you might start craving Dick’s Drive-In fries!

My Jasper June

My Jasper June Leah is just trying to disappear. But when a new girl named Jasper comes to town, Leah’s plan falls apart. Two girls, two big secrets, and one unforgettable summer of growth and friendship.


Mockingbird Losing your brother is hard, but when you are autistic, it feels even harder. A story of finding strength, healing, and leaning on those you still have.

A Kind of Spark

A Kind of Spark Addie is autistic, which makes her brain work differently. After learning about the witch trials in school, Addie sets out to make a difference for these women who died because of their “differences”. So powerful!