Book Buzz: Little Witch Hazel

Little Witch Hazel

Little Witch Hazel: A Year in the Forest by Phoebe Wahl Move over llamas, foxes and rainbow unicorns — this is the year of the gnome. The fuzzy, pointy-hatted fellows are everywhere, on coffee mugs, tea towels, garden statuary and more. So it would be understandable if, at first glance, you mistook the rosy-cheeked character on … Read more

Book Buzz: Hiking Washington’s History

Hiking Washington's History

Hiking Washington’s History by Judy Bentley and Craig Romano A few sunny days are all it takes to start getting excited about hiking season. One way to add variety to your repertoire of favorite trails, and add some mental stimulation, is to choose hikes with historical significance.   The second edition of Judy Bentley’s guidebook “Hiking … Read more

Book Buzz: Shoal Water

Shoal Water

Shoal Water by Kip Robinson Greenthal Meeting in 1971 at a Vietnam anti-war rally, Kate and Andy’s beliefs about U.S. involvement in Vietnam inspire them to leave New York City behind and follow their yearnings for a simpler life. Set in a small Nova Scotia fishing village where Andy’s family has a summer home, “Shoal Water” … Read more