Book Buzz: Crazy, Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan

Crazy, Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan In library school (yes, there’s such a thing, it’s a master’s program in Library and Information Science that trains professional librarians) students learn Rosenberg’s First Law of Reading: “Never apologize for your reading taste.” So there’s no need to feel embarrassed if you occasionally (or regularly) get sucked into … Read more

Book Buzz: The Abu Dhabi Bar Mitzvah

The Abu Dhabi Bar Mitzvah by Adam Valen Levinson

The Abu Dhabi Bar Mitzvah: Fear and Love in the Modern Middle East by Adam Valen Levinson With the recent news that Saudi Arabia will soon be offering tourist visas, the publication of Adam Valen Levinson’s new memoir/travelogue, The Abu Dhabi Bar Mitzvah: Fear and Love in the Modern Middle East, is perfectly timed. More than … Read more

Book Buzz: The Newcomers: Finding Refuge, Friendship, and Hope in an American Classroom

The Newcomers by Helen Thorpe

The Newcomers: Finding Refuge, Friendship, and Hope in an American Classroom by Helen Thorpe The refugees arrive with nothing, not even the language, having escaped violence, poverty, unspeakable loss. Their destination is Denver, Colorado. There they will land in a classroom helmed by Eddie Williams, the teacher tasked with orienting refugees from around the globe … Read more