Whatcom Art Guild: Out the Window

Whatcom Art Guild logo

??? ????????? ?????: ??? ??? ?????? During quarantine, we had to simplify our lives to be more home-centered. Looking out our windows became a substitute for participating in the events that made up the fabric of our everyday lives — from attending art shows and public events, to eating dinner out and traveling to new … Read more

Broken on All Sides

Broken on all sides movie

Race, Mass Incarceration and New Visions for Criminal Justice Today, there are more African Americans in prison or jail, on probation or parole, than were enslaved in 1850, a decade before the Civil War began. The prison population has exploded by 500% since the end of the Civil Rights and Black Power movements. America locks … Read more

Whose Streets?

Whose Streets? movie

An Unflinching Look at the Ferguson Uprising Told by the activists and leaders who live and breathe this movement for justice, WHOSE STREETS? is an unflinching look at the Ferguson uprising. When unarmed teenager Michael Brown is killed by police and left lying in the street for hours, it marks a breaking point for the … Read more


Copwatch movie

An Organization Dedicated to Filming the Police This acclaimed documentary follows “WeCopwatch”, an organization dedicated to filming the police. Its members captured the original videos of the deaths of Eric Garner in Staten Island and Freddie Gray in Baltimore that ignited the entire nation. Nominated for Best Documentary at the Tribeca Film Festival. “It’s uplifting and … Read more

White Like Me

White Like Me

Race, Racism & White Privilege in America White Like Me, based on the work of acclaimed anti-racist educator and author Tim Wise, explores race and racism in the US through the lens of whiteness and white privilege. In a stunning reassessment of the American ideal of meritocracy and claims that we’ve entered a post-racial society, … Read more

Race – The Power of an Illusion

Race the power of an illusion movie

Episode One – The Difference Between Us The Difference Between Us examines the contemporary science – including genetics – that challenges our common sense assumptions that human beings can be bundled into three or four fundamentally different groups according to their physical traits.

I Am Not Your Negro

I am not your negro

James Baldwin and Race in America An Oscar-nominated documentary narrated by Samuel L. Jackson, I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO explores the continued peril America faces from institutionalized racism. In 1979, James Baldwin wrote a letter to his literary agent describing his next project, Remember This House. The book was to be a revolutionary, personal account … Read more

The Hassle of the Tassel

Dear soon-to-be graduate,  My name is Sophia, and I am in my last quarter at Western Washington.  School has been online for about 10 weeks, and I am feeling as we approach “the big day” (to quote my mother) that I don’t have much desire for the typical acknowledgments of graduation — there will be … Read more

Young Reporters of The Northern Light

The Young Reporters section in The Northern Light,  began April 21 in response to the stay-at-home order and school closures. Students in Blaine, Semiahmoo and Birch Bay had the opportunity through weekly prompts for eight weeks to explore effects the Covid-19 restrictions had on them, their family, or neighborhood. The project concludes on June 18, 2020.